Improving Worker Safety at Tanjianshan: Hands Up for Safety Initiative

Improving Worker Safety at Tanjianshan: Hands Up for Safety Initiative

In 2013 our Tanjianshan mine noticed a number of incidents related to preventable hand injuries. To raise awareness of the hazards and to remind employees of the importance of their hands, the Hands Up for Safety initiative was introduced. Employees participated in games and exercises that provided a fun yet powerful demonstration of the difficulties of conducting simple tasks while dealing with a hand injury. Hand safety statistics and safety practices were also discussed, and employees signed pledges of their commitment to safety.

After the Hands Up for Safety group session, hand injuries at Tanjianshan decreased from 64% of all site injuries in 2013 to 31% of all site injuries in 2014. In 2015, there was only one minor hand injury at Tanjianshan, and it did not result in a lost-time injury. In fact, Tanjianshan has not had a lost-time injury for over two years.

Details 03/24/2015