Our performance and targets

Our focus on building value for all those invested in us and our commitment to operating to the highest health, safety, and environmental standards continues to drive our performance targets each year.

Our focus on building value for all those invested in us and our commitment to operating to the highest health, safety, and environmental standards continues to drive our performance targets each year.

Achieved     Partially Achieved     Not Achieved

2015 Performance

Area Target Result Comment
Economic / Operations Produce between 640,000–700,000 ounces of gold
Produced 723,532 ounces of gold
Deliver cash operating costs between $570–$615 per ounce
Cash operating costs of $552 per ounce
Deliver AISC between $960–$995 per ounce
AISC of $842 per ounce
Maintain gold reserves between 20 and 25 times the production rate
Gold reserves of ~25 million ounces, over 30 times the production rate
Continue to advance our development projects at Skouries and Olympias in Greece
Phase I at Olympias was completed in early 2016; while Skouries was put on care and maintenance in January 2016, development progressed throughout 2015
Remain in the lowest quartile of industry cash costs
Our flat cash costs year-on-year continues to place us in the lowest quartile of industry cash costs
Maintain liquidity of no less than $200 million
Total liquidity of ~$668 million at year-end 2015 and rigorous planning, budgeting and forecasting processes in place
Maintain a debt-to-capital ratio of less than 30%
Debt-to-capital ratio of 10.8%
Pay a semi-annual dividend
Paid dividends of CDN$0.02/share
Health, Safety, Environment Zero fatalities
No fatalities in 2015
Reduce our LTIFR
Reduced LTIFR to 1.03 from 1.38 in 2015
Identify and mitigate safety risks
30% reduction in accident rates at our Chinese operations
Align sites’ management processes with MAC’s TSM Health and Safety protocol
All sites completed a full review throughout the year and found the existing safety management to be aligned with TSM at levels B and above
Work to align our site, regional and corporate-level crisis management communication plans with MAC’s TSM Crisis Management protocol
All sites reviewed and updated crisis management plans accordingly. Plans reflect TSM protocols
Have no reportable environmental incidents
No reportable environmental incidents occurred in 2015
Become ICMC compliant at all our Chinese operations (Jinfeng, Tanjianshan and White Mountain)
Jinfeng and Tanjianshan received ICMC certification in January and December 2015 respectively. White Mountain made significant improvements in safe cyanide management and continues to benchmark its activities against the Cyanide Code protocols, but is currently prevented from achieving compliance because its cyanide supplier and transporter have opted not to become a signatory to the Code
Governance Align sites’ management processes with MAC’s TSM Tailings Management protocol
Gap assessments were completed; all sites have undergone third-party review
Improve the transparency of our commitment to health, safety and the environment by updating existing policies
Published updated policies in January 2016
Improve the transparency of our commitment to human rights by formalizing a corporate policy
Published and distributed a human rights policy in January 2016
Adhere to the World Gold Council’s Conflict-Free Gold Standard
All our operations continue to meet the Conflict-Free Gold Standard
Continue to be transparent by publishing annual reports to GRI guidelines
This is our fifth report which aims to incorporates elements of the Annual Reports as well
Maximize the value of our Chinese assets
Exploration of listing assets on Hong Kong Stock Exchange or sale of assets ongoing
Community Continue to treat our host communities with respect and deliver tangible and ongoing benefits
Donations and community spending totalled $6.5 million in 2015
Expand our channels of engagement with stakeholders
Development of our sustainability blog and social media platforms
Align sites’ management processes with MAC’s TSM Aboriginal and Community Outreach protocol
All sites have management processes for community outreach and completed assessments of these processes against the TSM protocol with results indicating a B or better rating

2016 Targets

Area Target
Economic / Operations Produce between 565,000–630,000 ounces of gold
Deliver cash operating costs between $585–$620 per ounce
Maintain gold reserves between 20 and 25 times the production rate
Maintain a debt-to-capital ratio of less than 30%
Health, Safety, Environment Zero fatalities
Achieve a minimum 10% year-on-year improvement in the Reportable Injury Frequency Rate
Implement a Corporate Safety Directive across all regions
Improve scores at sites for MAC’s Health and Safety protocol
Conduct review for alignment with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights; implement plans to close any gaps
Have no reportable environmental incidents
Continue ICMC compliance at current operating sites, design new projects to standards upon start-up
Increase availability and transparency of environmental data collected at sites
Governance Review plans for an employee diversity policy
Become a signatory to the UN Global Compact
Develop reporting systems compliant with the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act guidelines to enhance transparency of payments in the countries where we operate. Initial reporting under the act is due by May 2017
Community Implement formal grievance mechanisms at sites that do not already have one
Details 04/11/2015